Let me begin with this.
I am blessed.
God has blessed me in countless ways throughout my 26 years on this beautiful planet... but he really blew me away with one of the biggest blessings he's given me. John. I had a little bit of time before we start our movie
and sat thinking about how unbelievable he truly is to me. We went grocery shopping with a good friend of mine today and the conversation we had while shopping really just brought to light how great I have it. It is so easy to become complacent and take for granted all the wonderful things someone does for you... and it turns into an expectation so to speak. Well... it shouldn't.
I will say this about my relationship:
1. I am spoiled rotten. And when I say spoiled I mean... the boy will bend over backwards for me anytime of the day! I used to be this self sufficient, stubborn, do-it-myself kinda gal... boy have things changed!
2. We aren't perfect. We fight. We (I) hit. We pout. We cry. BUT we communicate, problem solve, and listen to each other. I heard a quote in a wonderful movie where a character told another one that "If my wife and I would have fought like you two, we would still be married!" And I love it! When it was said in the movie John gave me this stare down because he knew exactly how my wheels were a turning! Speaking of movies, we saw a movie one time where one of the couples in the movie were just unrealistically happy, perfect, spotless, annoying! Ill say, that just aint us but there's no one in this world I would rather argue with than him! ;)
*****The movie was called Table for Three. Unexpectedly funny flick... trailer here:
3. He is my best friend. I have so much fun with him! He really is my best friend... :)
4. Were happy right now. I think that people get so caught up in the "when we...." or the "I want to..." that they let the now slip past them. I feel like for so much of my "adult life" I was looking for more, wanting more, wanting to change this or that. For the first time in my life I am content where I am at. I know we have a long road until the I DO's ever come into play. We have been through a lot in our relationship and have been through things separately in our lives to know that weddings, babies, whatever is just a ways a way. I have my moments where that is a hard thing for me to be O.K. with...but i honestly am. We have things that we have to take care of before that can happen! As long as we have each other... we can do anything and I DO doesn't change that. ((but it'll be a pretty spectacular day when it does finally come!))
5. I could go on...and on... and list the millions of reasons why I love our relationship but I don't think many people care to hear that and my fingers are beginning to get a little crampy so well leave it at this for now. I couldn't have been more blessed with the person that I am blessed to spend my life with. I can't wait for all the adventures life has in store for us and I am so thankful for the man that he is!! :)
Love well.