Let me start off with... Teaching is exhausting! When I get home the last thing I feel like doing is working out. Vegging out on the couch sounds way more appealing to me than having my butt kicked by captian crazy (aka Tony Horton) I mean... look, he has crazy eyes!
Anyway, I had a supremely bad attitude once I got home and changed to work out yesterday.
**Sorry John, poor guy puts up with a lot of my crap!**
I think I was alright until I loaded the workout onto the appletv and it said 72 or something minutes! excussssse me????? I thought to myself. At that point I wouldn't be done working out until after 7 and that was really cutting into my do nothing the rest of the night time. Anyway, being the drama queen that I am at times, realized at the end of the video that it was about an hour. PHEW! We did bicepts, tricepts and chest... with added absX... which i really enjoyed...especially since my weights were too light for me so the workout was a breeze! (minus absX of death) Buying weights was quickly added to the things to do this weekend list! I'll be honest, I am thankful that it wasn't to bad of a work out... I really needed a day of being not too horribly sore. (I am not walking like I just rode a horse today!!!)
Food wise, I think yesterday was our best eating day! Not that any have been bad by any means, but the fewest carbs taken in was def yesterday and that seems to be more what the p90 wants you to do. For breakfast: 3 scrambled eggwhites, little bit o cheese, turkey bacon and banana. Lunch: 1/2 a taco salad (stomach got a little upset...pretty sure the sour cream was on it's way out...ehhhhh) Snack: light yogurt, protien shake. Dinner: buffalo chicken panini. Not bad if you ask me!
I am happy to say I survived yesterday...it was questionable at times. Def a rough day but made it through it and am actually feeling wonderful today! Stepped on the scale a few days early for a sneak peak of how I am doing (trying to weigh in once a week) and I was down 5 pounds! WOOHOO! If that isn't encouraging and make me want to continue to "bring it" as captain crazy would say, I dont know what is! Today is yoga day and I am verrrry excited! I have heard how long it is, but i seem to be really enjoying the little bits of yoga I have seen thus far so I am pumped! Well see how i feel tomorrow! : )