So it's been forever since I have written, and I am ashamed! :( Summer came, I got the lazies and have neglected my faithful little blog. Let me update you a little bit on what has happened in the last few weeks... :x
1. School ended- the last day of school is alway
s such a bitter sweet moment for me. For the few days building up to it I get so sad... and proud... and relieved. Sad to see my little babies all grown up and ready for first grade. Proud because they're ready. Every one of them (with the exception of 1...) is ready and moving on to the next grade. And let me tell you, if you asked me in August my thoughts on the matter... I would have probably teared up in fear. I had a little dude who came and when I asked him to tell me letters as I showed him the letters... he tells me numbers, along with the occasional random letter. June 2nd, little dude was reading on level and just shining. Relieved because of all those days I went home crying, or wanted to
scream because... every job is frusterating AND who doesn't just LOVE summer!!!! I wanted to share a cute photo of my kiddos on the last day, but guidelines these days.... probably not the best idea. So...use your imagination. 18 excited, brilliant and adorable kiddos pumped for summer and for new adventures!
2. My 26th Birthday- huge success! Probably my favorite birthday "party" ever. We invited people over and just cooked out and enjoyed e
achother's company. Somehow through out the day on Saturday my Adult Birthday Cookout turned into a Pirate Party, arrrrggggh!!! Long story but it all began with a treasure chest birthday candle! Here are a few shots from the evening...

3. Sweet, Sweet, Summer Time- So, I have absolutely been loving summertime so far!! The best part...we aren't even through the first week! :) There has been lots of reading, r
esearching for my hopeful, up and coming business, laying by the pool, cleaning and tv/movie watching! For my birthday, John registered me for a photography class. To be honest. I am not sure how I feel about it. It is an all day thing, models coming in and all this jazz. I feel like it's my first day of school all over again. EEPA! Anyway, well see how it goes... Im sure I will love it and it will be a great learning experience for me I am just weird/nervous/anxious! Anyhoo- with all this extra time I have been blog hopping and found my new FAV site: Along with my new found reading obsession came ideas/DIY projects for the summer. My inspiration for my first project is a photo frame collage. I have always wanted to do one, and just fell in love with hers, so I decided... I am doing it!
Inspiration photo below Before Shots....

Well. That's all I've got for now! Were heading to the lovely Jenna Petty's home for some yummy food, drinks and most importantly... to view a ....
Dallas Mavericks VICTORY!
More to come later on! :)
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