Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Well Hello, 2012...

Well. It's definitely been a while. I have been wobbling on if I should move to tumblr or not which has detoured me from blogging, period. (To all my many faithful readers out there... !)

2011 was here and gone pretty quick in my house. I was on my death bed, seriously... I was pretty close to dying. Combo of: bronchitis, upper respiratory infection & pharyngitis. So, I spent my NYE in the doctors office, pharmacy and in bed. In fact, I was asleep by 8:30, and luckily woke up just in time to say Happy New Year to John... and pass back out. It took me about a week to recover.

I have never been a big ny resolution kind of person. John and I made a "11 in 2011" list of things we wanted to do this past year... I succeeded in completing 1 task-- and that was to begin my photography business. I was sort of disappointed when I read and discovered this. So that inspired me to not really try making that again. I have things that I hope to accomplish this year, or begin, but I don't want to set myself up for failure.I guess you could say the overall theme of my hopes for the year is a life style change. I want to change my health, my finances, my relationships. So.. I, as everyone else on the planet, hope to loose some weight. I began the biggest losers-- 30 day jump start on Monday. {CORRECTION: I started on Monday and since I am a horrible blogger it is now Saturday that I am completing this post...} Outcome of the first 6 days, -5 pounds! WAHOO!

More on the other 2 later.

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