Tuesday, May 10, 2011


16....So many wonderful things come in 16.... like: the age at which you can drive, 16 DAYS OF SCHOOL TILL SUMMER!!!! (So, i guess there aren't that many things but the second is pretttyyyy dang exciting!) I am blessed enough and thankful for a job that I love, and enjoy almost every day ((you know, we all have our days)) but when april and may come around-- the spring fever kicks in and I am ready to be done with kiddos for 3 months!! My friends always give me grief when this point of the year rolls around when I feel all I can say is "I'm so ready for summer!!" because how hard is my job, or they don't get a break. Well, let me tell you. 5/6 year olds are exhausting! Parent's are exhausting! Demands that the state and your district puts on you are exhausting! I feel like I can safely say this for most teachers--- TEACHING IS EXHAUSTING! Your brain is pretty fried by the end of the year and you almost MUST have those precious months to recoop from the emotional, physical and mental strain you have been under for the past 9 months! Seriously. All of that to say, I am so excited for this summer. To be honest, there are not really any exciting plans in my near future, but spending endless amounts of time with my man and my pups just sounds wonderful to me!

Today has been a stressful day for me. Pretty sure that is everyday until the end of the year, but today in particular. The little things that drive us crazy, grrr.

Welp, that's all i've got time for now! Until next time!


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